Thomas Gainsborough
Thomas Gainsborough Locations
English painter, draughtsman and printmaker. He was the contemporary and rival of Joshua Reynolds, who honoured him on 10 December 1788 with a valedictory Discourse (pubd London, 1789), in which he stated: If ever this nation should produce genius sufficient to acquire to us the honourable distinction of an English School, the name of Gainsborough will be transmitted to posterity, in the history of Art, among the very first of that rising name. He went on to consider Gainsborough portraits, landscapes and fancy pictures within the Old Master tradition, against which, in his view, modern painting had always to match itself. Reynolds was acknowledging a general opinion that Gainsborough was one of the most significant painters of their generation. Less ambitious than Reynolds in his portraits, he nevertheless painted with elegance and virtuosity. He founded his landscape manner largely on the study of northern European artists and developed a very beautiful and often poignant imagery of the British countryside. By the mid-1760s he was making formal allusions to a wide range of previous art, from Rubens and Watteau to, eventually, Claude and Titian. He was as various in his drawings and was among the first to take up the new printmaking techniques of aquatint and soft-ground etching. Because his friend, the musician and painter William Jackson (1730-1803), claimed that Gainsborough detested reading, there has been a tendency to deny him any literacy. He was, nevertheless, as his surviving letters show, verbally adept, extremely witty and highly cultured. He loved music and performed well. He was a person of rapidly changing moods, humorous, brilliant and witty. At the time of his death he was expanding the range of his art, having lived through one of the more complex and creative phases in the history of British painting. He painted with unmatched skill and bravura; while giving the impression of a kind of holy innocence, he was among the most artistically learned and sophisticated painters of his generation. It has been usual to consider his career in terms of the rivalry with Reynolds that was acknowledged by their contemporaries; while Reynolds maintained an intellectual and academic ideal of art, Gainsborough grounded his imagery on contemporary life, maintaining an aesthetic outlook previously given its most powerful expression by William Hogarth. His portraits, landscapes and subject pictures are only now coming to be studied in all their complexity; having previously been viewed as being isolated from the social, philosophical and ideological currents of their time, they have yet to be fully related to them. It is clear, however, that his landscapes and rural pieces, and some of his portraits, were as significant as Reynolds acknowledged them to be in 1788. Related Paintings of Thomas Gainsborough :. | Marjor John Dade of Tannington,Suffolk | Portrait of Lady Georgiana Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire | Portrait of Georgiana | Der Morgenspaziergang | Portrait of Edward Ligonier | Related Artists: Adrian VansonAdrian Vanson (died c. 1602) was court portrait painter to James VI of Scotland.
Adrian succeeded Arnold Bronckorst as court painter in Scotland in May 1584, and his appointment was subsequently confirmed by royal letter on 20 August 1584. Adrian Vanson was paid £8-10s in June 1581 for two pictures sent to Theodore Beza. A letter by James VI's former tutor Peter Young accompanied pictures of John Knox and George Buchanan sent to Geneva in November 1579 for the woodcuts in Beza's Icones (1580). The Scottish portraits arrived too late for the book, and the woodcuts of Knox and a James VI, thought to be by Vanson, were first published in Simon Goulart's edition of the Icones in 1581. The picture of George Buchanan, which was never published in Beza's Icones, but may have appeared in other later works, is attributed to Bronckorst.
Knox from Beza's Icones,
after Adrian VansonVanson also painted ceremonial spears and banners for the coronation of Anne of Denmark. When he was made a burgess of Edinburgh, it was hoped he would teach his craft to apprentices. He may have been 'Lord Seton's painter', who was recorded drawing portraits for coins at the mint in Edinburgh. There was a un-named Flemish painter working on the king's portrait at Stirling Castle in May 1579. This may have been Vanson or Bronckorst. According to the inventories of the Earl of Leicester, he had a portrait of the 'young king of Scots' in 1580, which may have been another copy of this picture. Leicester sent his own portrait to James VI, painted on canvas by Hubbard in 1583.
Attributed portraits include James VI; Anne of Denmark; Patrick Lyon, Lord Glamis; Sir Thomas Kennedy of Culzean; Agnes Douglas, Countess of Argyll. Vanson's James VI of circa 1585 survives at Edinburgh castle. In May 1586 a French ambassador in Scotland, the Baron d'Esneval, promised to get Mary, Queen of Scots a copy of a recent portrait of James VI from the only painter in Edinburgh. There had been rumours of an embassy to Denmark to discuss the king's marriage in April 1586. It is thought the picture at Edinburgh Castle was made by Vanson for this embassy or a similar purpose. ASPERTINI, AmicoItalian Painter, ca.1474-1552
He was born in Bologna to a family of painters (Guido Aspertini and Giovanni Antonio Aspertini, his father), and studied under masters such as Lorenzo Costa and Francesco Francia. He is briefly documented in Rome between 1500-1503, returning to Bologna and painting in a style influenced by Pinturicchio. In Bologna in 1504, he joined Francia and Costa in painting frescoes for the newly restored Oratory of Santa Cecilia in San Giacomo Maggiore, a work commissioned by Giovanni II Bentivoglio.
In 1507-09, he painted a fresco cycle in San Frediano in Lucca. Asperini painted in 1508-1509 the splendid frescoes in the Chapel of the Cross in the Basilica di San Frediano in Lucca. Aspertini was also one of two artists chosen to decorate a triumphal arch for the entry into Bologna of Pope Clement VII and Emperor Charles V in 1529.
He died in Bologna.
Giorgio Vasari describes Aspertini as having an eccentric personality, who, half-insane, worked so rapidly with both hands that chiaroscuro was split, chiaro in one hand, scuro in the other. He quotes Aspertini as complaining that all other Bolognese colleagues were copying Raphael. Aspertini also painted façade decorations (all lost), and altarpieces, many of which are often eccentric and charged in expression. For example, his Bolognese Pieta appears to occur in an other-worldy electric sky. tidemandTidemand kom vid 17 års ålder till Köpenhamns konstakademi, studerade där i fem år, tänkte sedan utbilda sig till historiemålare i Munchen, men valde i stället på en kamrats råd Dusseldorf till studieort och reste dit 1837. Han blev elev av Theodor Hildebrandt, men tog tidigare intryck av Carl Friedrich Lessings relativt realistiska historiemåleri. Hans första större målning behandlade ett svenskt ämne, Gustaf Vasa talar till dalkarlarna vid Mora (1841). Målningen inköptes av Rhens och Westfalens konstförening samt förskaffade Tidemand ett resestipendium från Norge och beställning på en altartavla till Vor Freisers kirke i Kristiania.
Han reste sedan till Munchen och Italien, återvände till Norge på ett kort besök sommaren 1842, gjorde en studieresa i fjälltrakterna för att samla material till en påtänkt fosterländsk historiemålning, men kom nu till klarhet över sitt mål. Han ville, som han själv yttrat, skildra detta kraftiga naturfolks karaktär seder och vanor. Hans första tavla i detta syfte var Sagoberätterskan 1844, inköptes av drottning Josefina och förskaffade konstnären medlemskap av svenska konstakademien. Efter nya studieresor i Norge målade han Söndagskväll i Hardanger köptes av Oscar I, på slottet i Kristiania och Gudstjänst i en landskyrka. Han bosatte sig 1845 på allvar i Dusseldorf och vann snart ett namn genom de norska bondelivsbilderna. Samma år målade Tidemand i samarbete med Hans Fredrik Gude den romantiska Brudefärden i Hardanger.
Revolutionsoroligheterna hade vid denna tid drivit de norske konstnärerna hem till Norge, och det såg ut, som skulle konsten nu bli rotfäst i hemlandet. Impulsen till en nationell konst gavs, men då lugn åter inträdde, återvände konstnärerna till utlandet. Under de närmaste åren målade Tidemand för det av Oscar I uppförda lilla lustslottet Oskarshal, som pryddes av uteslutande norska konstverk, serien Norskt bondeliv. Hans sista arbete var förstudier till en aldrig utförd historiemålning, Kristian IV grundlägger Kristiania, beställd av Oscar II. Tidemand skapade även tre altartavlor. I samarbete med Gude målade han Afton på Kröderen (1849), Ljustring (1850), Likfärd på Sognefjorden (1853), Fiskare i fara (1859), med Sophus Jacobsen Lappar på renjakt (1873) och med Morten M??ller Sinclairs landstigning i Romsdalen (1875).
Han blev av sin samtid hyllad som Norges främsta representativa konstnär. Hans betydelse ligger i att han i sin konst gav uttryck åt det nationella uppvaknandet i sitt hemland. På samma gång föreställde han det norska folket för den stora allmänheten i utlandet. I Tyskland betraktades han som en av de främsta representanter i samtidens konst. Han fick många utmärkelser såväl i Tyskland som i Paris och i England, och hans arbeten såldes till höga pris. Sina mest omtyckta målningar upprepade han med tillhjälp av flera medhjälpare gång på gång, några i ända till 12 exemplar. Många av hans arbeten är återgivna i kopparstick och litografi. L. Dietrichson utgav Adolph Tidemand, hans liv og hans værker (2 delar, 1878-79).